
Furope no taki, Shiretoko-half-peninsula, Seacliff-eastcoast of Hokkaido, Japon
08/03/2008 00:00 - Effondrement - Spontané
Late season with temps just below zero and strong sun radiation on the ice roofs in the center of the icefall. Radiation caused the collapse of one big ice roof that fell just behind our choosen iceline. First we had to abseil down the line because of only access from the top. We decided to stay on the far left side of the icefall - in the end it was a good descision, it probably saved our lives. After the collapse we abseiled down to the sea and walked over sea-ice to a low point of the cliff, where Hermann gave us help with the static rope to climb back. Furope no taki is still unclimbed.

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